Thursday, April 21, 2005

Costume fitting

IMG_0099, originally uploaded by rinocerose.

I am a real let my ride and be a bandit...

Monday, April 18, 2005


galgantitr, originally uploaded by rinocerose.

He is not 178cm tall is not 85kgs he is not 33years old, is not canadian as well, but who is?!?
I found about his past when was named Cassidy ( se below details) when was a bandit, ride into the west and robery the banks or train's passengers.The new Cassidy don't need weapons his smile is enought to get everything,he is a bandit,I hope don't still me I am afraid have no more to offer then my immage on the train window, while ouside is rainy the drop slide on the glass and leave behind a light tail to show for a while there way to escape without succes against the power of the wind

Monday, April 11, 2005

Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid

Dreaming about live out of law as they did, they was bandits , they died by suicide or return to US nobody knows...They wasn't just run away from the police, they robery banks, they was inloved of luxury and refuge to Bolivia where became legend living and digging in the mines and in the sunday brunching on the most expensives restaurants in the town..I would like live as them ride horses shot gun( they really used more the gun to beat then to shot)..Let me dream, let my childhood be true..I want be the bandit with the good soul and become legend


WWsundance2, originally uploaded by rinocerose.


WWcassidy, originally uploaded by rinocerose.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Vintage Apple iPod

Vintage Apple iPod, originally uploaded by urbanbohemian.

On sale @ only U$D 49.95

Thursday, April 07, 2005


robertino, originally uploaded by rinocerose.

Monday, April 04, 2005


Siamo nel era dei media, guardate Costanzo manco riesce a parlare eppure sta sempre in TiVu, quindi non mi stupisce che il carisma di Giovanni Paolo II continui a farsi sentire, anche se devo essere sincero quando lo vidi per l' ultima volta in TV mi sembro cosi sofferente con la bava che gli scendeva dalla bocca mentre parlava', cambiai subito canale mi rifiutai di continuare a guardare in viso la sofferenza di un uomo...e' vero forse siamo allo zoo e lo spettacolo doveva continuare per quelli che si aspettavano da lui un miracolo lui piccoletto in carne ed ossa, magari in cuor suo manco si sentiva di voler continuare, magari avrebbe preferito stare in una casa di cura in riva al mare per guardare all' orizzonte il sole che affonda nelle onde e non vergognarsi nel mostrare la sua vecchiaia...ora ancora per pochi giorni sara' in TV ma stavolta non mostrera' la sofferenza non si vergognera' sara' solo li a sorridere a tutti e non dira' una parola piu' per nessuno..