Friday, February 25, 2005

What I fuck do to get this

Last night visited a friend of mine wich was deejng in a small club, to be sincere I always deserved the invitation to that club (there was some link with my former partner, something bad) anyway, last night around 11pm i leave the club on the way to home and planning some stop @ Stella...I was walking in Vodickova street watching the shops, then I turn my head and..BUM!...BUM!! get smashed my face..from a stranger, I was so surprised and I didn't really understand what' s happend and the reason why.When a friend of the stranger came to me and tell that the guy was drunk and that his GF leaved him... I try to explain that there is not reason to attach the people and probably is friend need to know the rule of the fight...when the drunk guy come back try to attach me for the second time so I was smash him on the pavement make to step backward( I tought was not need to accept the fight, 1st he was not fair( how can be fair somebody able to attach twicw whithout a reason) , 2nd he was at least 50 pounds heavyer then I, 3rd I was already bleeding from mouth ,4th my fury didn't reach the peak for me was better wait and call the police, but the guys leave me bleeding in the street and they fast runed into a czechs are so complessed people is the reason why are so bad inside...FUCK THE CZECH AND THE CZECH NATION, BUT 1ST OF ALL FUCK WHO HAVE E BAD SOUL

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Last Saturday turn 35

Yeah!!!!Last saturday turned 35 in my cordinated and color match jeans with blue Tee....The world entire didn't seam be really intrested about it but I went to the restaurant and order a dinner with a bottle of wine and celebrate

Monday, February 14, 2005


Today is Valentine the celebration must stupid ever maked for who be fooled and think be loved, but thanks God tomorrow is the single day, I can take two beers more and celebrate

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Searching for honey digging for gold

Is today mood, I went to work today..whe are preparing a big advertising campagne for CANAL SAT the time of preparationis short and the PPM is monday the shooting star on friday, so kind of busy but not stress the collective is nice ..the project is based in two spots for the broadcast network Canal Satellite the idea is start from a monster similar to the Alien and finish into a crazy bollywood wedding and the second is about jump from soccer to basket so kind of zapping trought different sports disciplines...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

When I was a model

When I was a model, originally uploaded by rinocerose.

Shot taked when I was a model..Did I was a model or is just a dream?

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Did am a faggot?

did am a faggot?, originally uploaded by rinocerose.

Since I was child was wonder about how the predator a beautyfull animal as the lion could kill in such terrible way, and when so that scenes I was always cryed for the terrible way the poor animals was killed from by his I never will be a lion am really a faggot....

Monday, February 07, 2005

Non e' farina del mio sacco

wonderfulworld, originally uploaded by rinocerose.


Ciao Rinocerose,
finalmente mi sono concesso un po' di tempo per scriverti una mail e nn sprecarlo solo tra lavoro e chat. Sono contento di farlo: ma xké nn l'ho fatto prima? Boh, li kiamano misteri della "fede" ma di quale credo si tratti o quali misteri si cerki di nn spiegare... ki sa? Nn è cmq ke voglia fare della pura filosofia e quindi cambio subito argomento.
Abbiamo chattato qlke volta e ho capito ke x te nn è 1 momento affettivo al top. Qsto mi spiace molto, xké in genere sono sempre le xsone + sensibili a rimetterci in un mondo cinico, utilitaristico ed egoista fondamentalmente.
Sono qui davanti ad una fredda tastiera ed un video impersonale a parlarti ... mi rendo x� conto ke manca il contatto umano: necessità primaria x un buon rapporto di amicizia o di relazione tra persone.
Mi spiace di qsto ma x il momento nessuno di noi puÃ? farci qlcsa. :-)
Voglio solo lasciarti x il momento, con un piccolo input, se così possiamo dire: buttati alle spalle il passato, perdona un uomo ke in realtà nn ti ha mai amato a pieno e sorridi alla vita, qualsiasi fatto possa accadere nell'arco della giornata, ke atmosfericamente parlando è un po' grigia negli ultimi tempi :-) Nn so se ti servirà saperlo, ma io x altri motivi sto facendo altrettanto.
Mi auguro ke un giorno potremo trovarci faccia a faccia davanti ad un buon boccale di birra; in quel momento parleremo liberamente, ci confideremo (se tu lo vorrai) + apertamente e sicuramente nascerà una nuova amicizia. Qsto sentimento di solidarietà tra esseri umani cementa qualsiasi tipo di unione e ne fonda basi solide ed inalterrabili. Nn credi anke tu?
Un grande abbraccio, con tutto il calore ke qsto essere umano (io) pu� darti... ed è tanto se si superano le paure di esporsi agli altri.
Ciao e a presto.


Saturday, February 05, 2005

Accidental crashed a sticker

dress, originally uploaded by rinocerose.

I just come out from Slavia, a swimmingpool near to my place, I go to swim not more then a couple of times a year, I open a cabinet and crash in a sticker partly destroy of a soccer club, is just to see 1 player and few dresses but is to see the name of team Brescia ( is my native town ) was surprised to see that, get a bit of nostalgy as well about that old sticker, I reconize the old team shirts used on 80's, in that time I was used to see every home match ..I am very confused, whas really an accident? a signe of destiny? To found between few hundred cabinets one with a sticker of my soccer club 600 miles far away, of time when was plaing in 3rd division , that sticker was there at least 15 years and was probably just wait for me the only one italian who visite the Slavia pool, the only one from Brescia..maybe is just a signe of destiny... maybe is just a dream

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Rainy night-Hanging around

Last night, after take a look at old faces mixed with new tourists at Friends, on the way to home stoped by Stella for a quick beer and I searched for some know faces , no way anybody to share the last drink, but was wondered from a young guy with tattoed harms...

Then wen I got the beer, the tattoed guy was crossed me and looked, seeking my eyes and then smiled at me in the way to the restroom...
When stepped out from the rest he was again looked at me into the eyes, smiled as a baby do without any erotic meaning when crossed his black eyes for more then half second ( I was very atracted from this Lolitos guy)..Then I smilled to this muscledbellytattoedblondguy with black eyes and low rise jeans showing his undies...

I am in loved of who watched deep into my eyes...Is not a scene taked from a cheap porn eather from a movie, is a moment of my life

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Toilet paper not permitted

Originally uploaded by rinocerose.
Am just try to find what can be better sticked on paper, printed or digitalized....well if the blog will gona printed the risk is to see writed on it the shopping list.

What a nice find out you are needing toilet paper and wrote it on the back side of the blog.

The picture stilled

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

KM. 298.... DEAD & BLOW JOB (sorry only italian again )

click on the above link