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Accidental crashed a sticker

dress, originally uploaded by rinocerose.

I just come out from Slavia, a swimmingpool near to my place, I go to swim not more then a couple of times a year, I open a cabinet and crash in a sticker partly destroy of a soccer club, is just to see 1 player and few dresses but is to see the name of team Brescia ( is my native town ) was surprised to see that, get a bit of nostalgy as well about that old sticker, I reconize the old team shirts used on 80's, in that time I was used to see every home match ..I am very confused, whas really an accident? a signe of destiny? To found between few hundred cabinets one with a sticker of my soccer club 600 miles far away, of time when was plaing in 3rd division , that sticker was there at least 15 years and was probably just wait for me the only one italian who visite the Slavia pool, the only one from Brescia..maybe is just a signe of destiny... maybe is just a dream
